MAUI Android app crashes after publishing Apk

MAUI Android app crashes after publishing Apk. MAUI Android app works fine on emulator mode but crashes after publishing Apk. MAUI Android app development is now on fire. Most Android developers are working on this new platform to build cross-platform apps. Today our article is about the MAUI Android app crashes after publishing APK but it works files on an emulator.

MAUI Android app crashes after publishing Apk

 Here are some of the problems that we must focus on before going to publish the MAUI Android app. 

1) Always check compatibilities 

Before publishing the app you have to check out app compatibility with the version of Android installed on your device. This could be the first main reason for the app crashing.

2) Project get bugged

Most of the development environment get bugged with different issues. These issues could be some kind of virus or incorrect programming. 

3) Not properly handle any exception 

If you are a programmer and you are building mobile applications then you have to handle all kinds of exceptions and errors before app release. 

This kinds of exceptions could be programming mistakes or not properly handling any throwback. 

For example: 

If you are using IsNotNullOrEmptyConverter and you are not implemented ConvertBack by throwing any non-implemented exception. This could be the reason for the app crashing for unknown reasons.

4) Not properly look out Review logs 

Whenever we face issues or app or software does not work properly it crashes with different errors. These kinds of errors are available in error list or logs. 

Most of the programmers does not take a look and not clearly understand issues. That is the main reason that most of the programmers fail to publish apps on different devices.  You can use any kind of Android studio tool or ADP view logs to check out errors. 

Also Read : How to install Telerik .NET MAUI for visual studio 2022 

How we can fix the MAUI Android app does not work or crashing on publishing? 

For going to read out the solutions to fix MAUI Android app crashes you have to understand some important things. According to different experts such as from Android development environment has some great opinions about MAUI Android app development. 

According to them there are lots of difficulties in development. Along with these There are several issues such as styling working with different environment of UI and many others. 

There are other issues such as different kinds of bugs which make the environment of development more hesitating and difficult. MAUI Android app development is a new environment which could have several issues. For this reasons you have to ignore these issues until the developers can fix the problems. 

If you find out any of the problems you can freely post a problem on github. You can look out other threads and post about your related problem. Visual Studio developers are fixing these issues and updating this new Android application development environment. 

Here are some of the quick solutions for app crash Maui 

1) Use the Release mode

Release mode is a configuration and distribution environment to end-user in MAUI Android app development. There is a good result in working with release mode. It works fine for both real and for Android device emulator on Visual Studio. 

It has the capability of optimizing debugging process along with the performance and security of the app. You can use release mood by creating a release configuration in Visual Studio. 

Go to build menu > select configuration manager > create a new configuration 

2) Use EmbedAssembliesIntoApk attribute

Another amazing solution for the MAUI Android app crash on release is by using the EmbedAssembliesIntoApk attribute. 

EmbedAssembliesIntoApk attribute specifies where you have to assemble all of app assemblies file into APK. If you will not use this attribute then all of the assemblies will store in separate files. 

You have to remember in your mind that Android Xamarin app did not in bed all of the assemblies into APK by default. These all types of assembly stored in separate files which is the problem of app release. 

For this reason you have to set the attribute true just like this in AssemblyInfo.cs file.


EmbedAssembliesIntoApk attribute has some advantages along with few disadvantages. 


It improves app performance and deployment. Because all of the Assembly loaded into memory which make the process more easier and efficient. 


Debugging because of assembly stored in apk file directly. While it can also increase the APK size which can challenge the storage requirement of your App on APK download section. 

3) Test your device on different devices

Sometime testing android app such as MAUI Android app can crash on a specific device. It could be due to some issues with your device. So you have to clean out your device with any cleaner and then you can try it again. 

You can also test your app on different devices. 

4) Try older version with debugging enabled 

Older versions of Android app with SDK are supported for most of the Android devices. For this reason instead of trying on latest version of your Android app you can try it on older version.  And one more thing you have to enable debugging option in the APK. It will run the app without any error or ignoring any exception if thrown. 

5) Check for dependencies

In order to MAUI Android app working properly you have to check for dependencies. You must sure that all of the components and frameworks are added into the app which are most important. If any of the dependence is our missing then your App could crash not only on Visual Studio but also on release. 

Still Issues:

Thanks for reading my article. If you still facing any problem then you can come and down below your issues. I will try my best to fix your problem within few days.

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