How to Connect WiFi Network Programmatically in .NET MAUI

How to Connect WiFi Network Programmatically in .NET MAUI. Wi-Fi network connection programmatically is one of the necessary feature in .net  Maui. It helps .net Maui app to take a connection on your device for proper working of the app. 

In this short tutorial I will teach you how you can connect Wi-Fi network programmatically in .NET MAUI. For going to start you have to know that Xamarin.Essentials is the best solution to bring cross platform feature in .NET MAUI App. Xamarin.Essentials which is derived from Xamarin.Forms has tons of Amazing features. 

Here is a complete code and tutorial how you can connect any network .NET MAUI App. 

  1. First you need to import Xamarin.Essentials in your project 
  2. After that you have to use WiFiConnectionRequest Class which will get to important components such as SSID and password for your network. 
  3. Connection to a network asynchronously is very important so for this you have to use method ConnectAsync. 
  4. Our method is complete but there is the problem that you can face exception if the internet is not available. It may be because of the internet access is not for your device. 
  5. For proper internet connection first you have to check out internet connectivity through connectivity.NetworkAccess and after that you can connect to the network if available. 
  6. For better programming you can check the result of the connection request and internet connectivity. This is because if the internet is not connected then you have to show a message that the connection failed or success. 
  7. This is the complete process of making a good internet connectivity app programmatically in .NET MAUI. 

Here is the complete code step by step 

How to Connect WiFi Network Programmatically in .NET MAUI

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