Visual effects or Effects View in .NET MAUI makes apps more modern and user-friendly. Although they are not necessary they are very useful for grading interactive and engagement with interfaces. If you want to take a look at our previous article on .NET MAUI Effects View then go to this article.
Top 5 best frameworks and plugins to .NET MAUI Effects View
1) Xamarin.Forms
Xamarin.Forms are one of the popular UI cross-platform UI toolkits. It brings a developer-like environment in iOS and Android development. .NET MAUI has great integration with Xamarin.Forms.
If you want to take look at the Simple stack layout effect then here is the code. With the help of a simple stack layout blur effect, you can perform amazing visual effects in .NET MAUI layouts.
2) SkiaSharp
SkiaSharp is one of the best Graphic systems used to buy Google products and Dot Net developers. It is one of the best open-source Skia graphics engines to build 2D graphic systems with the help of C Sharp programming.
Due to cross-platform functionality it can be easily used in .NET MAUI apps. Developers can easily create and manipulate images with graphics and 2D graphics libraries.
Take an example of this such as:
In this example SkiaSharp use MaskFilter effect with the help of SKPaint object as a paint feature for text and labels.
3) FFImageLoading
FFImageLoading is another cross platform visual effect library for dotnet. This library has turns of features which will bring image loading in cashing abilities apps.
FFImageLoading hastance of Amazing features such as:
- Transformation
- Image loading and other animations
- Image downloading
- Configuration and memory cache in
- Image Optimisation
- Support custom transfer machines
- And tense of other amazing features.
Here is the example of FFImageLoading for .NET MAUI apps.
4) CachedImageView
CachedImageView is another light weight cross-platform image effect library. This amazing library for dotnet has simple effects like brightness on images and blur effects.
Here is the sample code for this:
5) Syncfusion.Maui.Core
Syncfusion is one of the professional environment where we can build amazing applications in .NET MAUI. Syncfusion .NET MAUI controls are available in Visual Studio which you can get through
After implementing Syncfusion.Maui.Core
You can easily bring effect such as highlight affects,rotation effect scaling, selection and much more Amazing effects
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